Your Great Story…

Overcoming Adversity

So… imagine meeting someone who has lived a ‘charmed life’… a silver spoon planted squarely in their mouth.

Never having worked their way up… never struggled to pay the bills… born into wealth… inherited everything.

Raised with maids… cooks…and a nanny. Attended the most prestigious private schools.

Spends the weekdays at the Country Club… weeknights at the theatre… weekends sailing.

He’s got the homes and the cars… and he got out of the market… before the crash.

Yup… perfect wife… 2.3 perfect looking kids… perfect hair… perfect clothes… perfect teeth… perfect … perfect… perfect.

Are you inspired by this success story? Nah… I didn’t think so.


And it’s not a jealously thing either. To be sure, it’s that… well, there’s no hero here… no inspiration… no story.

Great stories bring out our best… inspiring us to dream… to persevere… to take action.

Great stories have a David… and a Goliath. Great adversities that must be overcome… and a hero who goes against the odds to prevail.

Great stories influence others to do their best… indeed, to do more than they thought possible… in spite of the challenges.


If you are alive… which since you are reading this, I am sure you are… then you have likely overcome great adversity in your life at one time or another.

This can be a source of great inspiration to others… and should be for you as well. If you are in the middle of heavy challenges and high stress right now, the light at the end can be difficult to recognize, but please remember…

Every great story has a hero… and the hero in your life… in your family… in your business… is you.


I look forward to speaking with you.



What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced in your personal life or business relationships in the last fifteen months?

How did you, or how will you, resolve it? Is the outcome what you wanted… or expected?

How will this circumstance affect the way you deal with similiar issues in the future? Write down the name of one person who you could personally mentor in this area.


Photo Credit:

Pixel Addict