I've made a lot of mistakes in business over the years. Most were pretty minor... but several were... let's just say, significant learning experiences. One of the biggest was that…
Okay, so let me start by acknowledging that in terms of a scientific study... this would fail miserably. That is, of course, unless scientific studies involved grabbing a handful of…
A few thousand years ago, a powerful and wealthy young man made the observation to the effect that... as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. He knew that…
I was once very close to a musician who played the blues. No, that's not really accurate... HE LIVED the blues. It was all part of his desire to reach…
Yesterday afternoon, I received a message from Laurie Zieber, a friend who leads an important and powerful women's ministry in the great State of Texas. Her question was, "Do you…
No doubt we're all familiar with the Golden Rule which states that we are to do unto others what we would have done unto us. There is also a counterpart,…
Okay, quick... what was the first thought that came into your mind when you read that title? A) Peace B) Joy C) Happiness D) Excitement What... you say? You don't…
Well, as long as we're on the subject... I guess we do need to talk about it. I mean, I've touched on a number of my thoughts about retirement... or should…
This past week, I had the opportunity to speak with an individual who was, to use his words... totally stressed out. Anxiety, pressure, fear, insomia, and anger... all were mentioned…