A few thousand years ago, a powerful and wealthy young man made the observation to the effect that... as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. He knew that…
After wrapping up a conference call on the subject of business leadership and values, I received two questions which I'd like to answer here. To paraphrase: 1) Why do I…
Okay... so if great relationships are the secret to a satisfying and meaningful life... and if successful long term relationships are fueled by common values... where do we begin? We…
A decade ago, 'Corporate Mission Statements' were all the rage. Much thought, countless hours and tens of thousands... wait, hundreds of thousands... no, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS were spent…
Effective small business leadership requires us to do many things consistently. Toward the top of every good leader's list will be the creation of the organizational vision(s) for specific areas…
So... Joe was going to be the next superstar; a real player. Or maybe her name was Mary. Incredible resume, impeccably dressed... and personable. Oh my... was she personable; what…
Earlier, I wrote how twenty-four words scrawled on small piece of paper in 1986 changed the direction of my professional life. Three little sentences that you can read here. Such…
As a young man in 1986, I scrawled twenty-four words onto a folded piece of paper. Three short sentences... 'principles' if you will... that would greatly influence how I would…