I've made a lot of mistakes in business over the years. Most were pretty minor... but several were... let's just say, significant learning experiences. One of the biggest was that…
So, if the purpose of networking is to build a network, then what is the purpose of building a network? The majority of the time that I ask this question…
As I mentioned yesterday, networking is one of your most powerful tools in creating influence for your business. I find, however, that most small business leaders that I speak with…
A decade ago, 'Corporate Mission Statements' were all the rage. Much thought, countless hours and tens of thousands... wait, hundreds of thousands... no, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS were spent…
Competition that is right out front is pretty easy to identify. These are other service businesses that provide similar solutions to exactly the same challenges that we address with our clients.…
If you manufacture computer screens... or coffee cups, step ladders... or any other product from feather dusters to construction equipment... it's pretty easy to figure out where your main competition…
"So... who is our biggest competitor?" That was the question I asked my team twenty-something years ago. And the answers flowed freely... naming every other staffing company of merit within…
Okay... as small business owners, leaders, and marketers, we all know that in order to soar we need to create a sound marketing plan. So let's see... what did we…