There is little doubt that I am a very political person… there are days when the entire process can be at once maddening, frustrating, energizing and exhilarating.
Oh yes… and time consuming.
At the same time, you know that this definitely IS NOT a political blog or forum, and I carry the water for NO political party.
Principles, yes… Party, forget it.
And as you can imagine, over the past two weeks I have had numerous requests to endorse particular agendas on this site. I have had countless opportunities to come out in favor of this candidate or that.
I haven’t done it.
Want to know for whom I am voting? Call me and ask.
Want to know why I am voting for whom I am voting? Call me and ask.
Want to know why I believe the current crop of incumbents is in big trouble?
Okay… I’ll tell you.
And then I’ll offer a caution to those who would take their place… and also for you and me.
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