So this evening, at seven minutes to midnight, I made my last call of the day… and the last call of the month.
The beauty of having multiple Time Zones is that, often, we can continue to pursue goals by chasing the sun across the country. We can start early on the East Coast and end late on the West Coast.
Unfortunately, it’s not always enough…
I have found that I can usually outwork the competition. Of course, hard work must be combined with smart work… and even then we don’t win them all.
Still, we respect the Law of Large Numbers… we acknowledge the Law of Averages… and so we get up tomorrow and go to work.
Yes, we do it again and again and again, because our causes are worth fighting for.
And so are yours.
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…and today is the best to get started fighting for that cause!
So glad to see you fighting for others, Mike!! – Steve