Which Team’s Coming To Play?


Of all the questions I was asked this week, I suppose none was more common than those surrounding this evening’s NFL match-up between the Minnesota Vikings and the Green Bay Packers.

It’s always been a fairly fierce and competitive rivalry, but the interest from around the country has intensified, of course, since Brett Favre made the move to Minneapolis at the start of last season.

A few days ago while working in the Twin Cities, I was repeatedly asked what I thought would happen in tonight’s game. Yesterday, attending a seminar in Milwaukee with friends from… you guessed it, Minneapolis… the same theme echoed several times.

“Who do you think will win?” I was asked.

My answer is always the same… it depends which team shows up. Over the last many decades, the Packers have shown the ability to dominate both sides of the ball convincingly and win decisively.

They have also shown the willingness and propensity to occasionally and all-to-frequently play like my grandma.

Now, you must understand…

In no way am I offering any disrespect to my mom’s mom. Indeed, throughout her 92 years she was one of the kindest, most gentle and loving people ever to grace the face of this earth.

But let’s be honest… she WAS NOT a good football player.


“Oh shoot…”

That was the response I received from my friend, Chris Kilber, when I told him that Clay Matthews would be activated this week.

You may remember that last month I made the prediction that Clay would be selected this season’s NFC Defensive Player of the Year.

Four days after I made the prediction, he was given that title for the month of September… then two weeks later sat out a week with an injury.

Here’s the problem…

What we found out is that the Packer’s have two defenses: there’s the defense with Clay Matthews… and the one with my grandma. It’s the one with number 52… and number 92.

Remember, it doesn’t matter which position she played… my grandma just was not very good at football. And unfortunately, it appears she has been relied on at one time or another in virtually every position on the team… including the coaching staff.


So who’s going to win?

With kick-off just a few minutes away, we’ll soon find out. And with a Bears’ loss earlier today, a real opportunity exists as well.

Though I must admit, of the near countless terrific qualities for which my grandma was known… being an opportunist was not at the top of the list.

I love you, Grandma 🙂



Photo Credit:

Jayel Aheram