Cleaning It Up… Part I


In 1954, as Walt Disney was beginning work on 160 acres of orange groves and walnut trees, he envisioned a place that would be as attractive to adults as it was to their children… a place where they could really enjoy spending time together.

In fact, he dreamed of creating the “happiest place on Earth.”

Big goal.

He could see the future… the fun… the families. He sensed the desire that parents had… the desire for entertainment and education that would neither bore nor offend… an environment of safety… away from the carnival and midway atmosphere that dominated the “Theme Parks” of the day.

Yes, Disneyland would be a “small world in itself… encompassing the essence of all the things that were good and true in American life.”

It would “reflect the faith and challenge of the future… and offer intelligently presented facts, the stimulation of the imagination, the standards of health and achievement, and above all, a sense of strength, contentment, and well being.”

Pretty cool… but not everyone saw it the same way.


Investors balked… friends laughed… and even his wife, Lillian, is known to have questioned his fascination with building an amusement venue at all. “After all,” she said, “they’re so dirty.”

Walt’s response…? “That’s just the point,” he told her, “mine won’t be.”

No… his would be a fun, safe, interesting, and exciting family destination… that was, and still is, really, really, clean. In fact, predictably and immaculately clean. Absolutely the highest standards… the way we’d like our businesses to be.

Oh, and by the way, my wife and daughter and I think that Disneyland is as fun today as it was when my mom and dad first loaded up the family for a cross-country trek in the much-warmer summer of 1967. Yes, MUCH WARMER… shhh, don’t tell our former Vice President.

Oh, what the heck… tell him. Thanks for the memories, Walt.



If your customers have ever been treated like gold by Disney (or anyone else), more than likely that is their new standard.



Have you ever been to Disneyland?

Have your customers ever been to Disneyland?

If they compared the service and attention to detail that they received from Disney, with the service and attention to detail that they received from you… who would win?

Does every member of your team know how to compete at that level? Are they in the game?


I look forward to hearing from you.


Photo Credit:

Kevin Dooley