A few months ago, I wrote about an insurance agent I met while on a cross country flight.
It seems his entire staff, along with his forty year practice, was being taken to the cleaners by a cute little gecko with an Australian accent.
It was very unfortunate.
They were frozen… stuck in tradition and old habits… about to go under, and all they could think of, in an age of UNPARALLELED OPPORTUNITY, was to get on the phone and call even more people who had zero interest. Just like they’d always done.
Recently, I think I met his brother. Though they didn’t look alike… they sure did think alike.
So, here is the setup.
I am speaking with Dale. BTW, Dale is not his real name, but I want to protect his identity and… he just looked like a Dale.
But I digress…
Anyway, Dale’s grandfather started a blacksmith shop after coming home from WWI. The year was around 1918 and in rural Minnesota, he had plenty of work. Ultimately, he brought his son, Dale’s dad, into the business and they moved to the city, forsaking blacksmithing in favor of retail hardware.
Another World War and a Korean Conflict later, Dale’s dad bought out Grandpa’s interests and expanded the hardware store to include power equipment rentals, small engine repair, and… this was big… he moved 65% of the business into personal watercraft sales and service.
Enter Dale. He had hitched around with several careers and now came into his father’s business… right about the time Dad was getting set to retire.
Yes, Dale took over at once… and changed nothing.
You may or may not have noticed that personal watercraft sales are in the tank right now (pun intended). In fact, I am guessing that you bought VERY FEW of them this summer.
Dale’s entire business is on the rocks, so I asked what changes he was prepared to make.
Silence… and then, “I can’t get totally out of that… it was my grandpa’s business.”
No, grandpa was a blacksmith… he’d never heard of PWC’s… and he was a smart enough blacksmith to get TOTALLY OUT of blacksmithing.
Dad was pretty sharp too… but I think we need to pray for Dale.
Yes, pray for all the Dales.
I look forward to speaking with you soon.
Photo Credit:
Great message here. I’ve now passed it along several places!
Hi Laurie,
I appreciate your comments… glad you found value here! Looking forward to speaking with you later this week!
Have a wonderful evening,