How’s Your Vision…? Part III

Small Business Leadership Principles

We often speak here about small business leadership and marketing principles for three reasons:

1) It’s the theme of this blog and I don’t want to get in trouble with google for a bait and switch.

2) Many leadership and marketing challenges go hand-in-hand, and are often really relationship challenges in disguise.

3) Strong leadership and marketing ability transcends our business, carrying powerful benefits into our family and personal lives as well.

Yes, indeed… I have found it quite easy to become passionate about this.


Consider the third point above…

As leaders, our responsibility to create vision and move the dial toward worthwhile goals and objectives doesn’t stop when we hit the parking lot at the end of the day.

And in our role as marketers, we communicate ideas in ways that others will receive them… whether in the boardroom, or the backyard.

As discussed in the two previous posts, the difference between where we are today, and where we want to be in a given time period… is our vision. Once identified, we engage in a simple process… we create plans… we communicate them effectively… we act… we evaluate… and we plan again.


Applying these small business activities to life outside the office will generate the same great results. Pick any area, and ask the questions.

Health, influence, finances… where am I today, and where do I want to be by this time next year?

Relationships, travel, charity… what needs to happen this week, this month, and this quarter to be on track?

Write down your vision…
Make your plans…
Then go… we’ll evaluate along the way.

Your business is counting on you… your ‘home team’ depends on you. And the results can’t be the same without you.



What area of your personal life would you like to significantly improve by the end of the third quarter.

What are the two biggest obstacles to success?

How are you going to overcome them?


I look forward to speaking with you.


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