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The Freedom To Decide…

As you can imagine, love is difficult when living an ocean apart. So it was that in 1996, our dear friends were in just that position. She was living here…
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The Buck Stops Where…

I've made a lot of mistakes in business over the years. Most were pretty minor... but several were... let's just say, significant learning experiences. One of the biggest was that…
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If You Had The Choice…

Okay, so let me start by acknowledging that in terms of a scientific study... this would fail miserably. That is, of course, unless scientific studies involved grabbing a handful of…
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The Mother Load…

So it used to be that children went to their Grandparent's homes to be, in my case, anyway... pretty well spoiled and doted on with every conceivable expression of love...…
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Time To Move On…?

"So, how do you know when it's time to move on in your career?" In one form or another, it's a question I get asked fairly often... in fact, the…
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Not Funny…

Fear is a funny thing. Well actually, I don't mean funny... funny. I mean sort of strange, somewhat troubling, quirky, mysterious and often unexplained... funny. For example, even at fifty...…
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Are You Competent..? Part II

I hadn't really planned on making this a two-part post.  When I wrote "Are You Competent..?" a few days ago, about a conversation I had with a family friend who…
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Are You Competent..?

In a discussion with a family friend earlier today, she related that there were some activities that weren't getting done... activities that she really felt needed to be accomplished in…
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Efficient… Or Effective?

A few thousand years ago, a powerful and wealthy young man made the observation to the effect that... as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. He knew that…
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Is That A Threat Or A Promise?

We live in a threatening world. A quick scan of recent headlines has world leaders threatening other governments... other governments threatening their own people... and global warming threatening us all.…
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